Saturday, March 7, 2009

Making Money With Life Settlement Investment

Have you recently heard of a simple way to invest and be sure that you are going to make money? If so, you have probably heard of life settlements. Unlike the stock market this is a type of investment that is sure to be fruitful because it has to deal with death, and death is something that is unavoidable for us all. Buying a life settlement is something that has been done since the 1980's and it is a billion dollar business that is growing by leaps and bounds with each passing year. This is a process that can be attractive not only for the investor, but also the owner of the policy.

The way that this works is simple: people who are terminally ill can choose to sell their life insurance settlements. Selling is perhaps too broad of a term, instead they are finding people who want to invest in their life insurance policy. For instance, if someone who is terminally ill has a one million dollar life insurance policy they can find an investor who is willing to give them $200,000 or $300,000 for their policy. The investor will give the terminally ill individual the $200,000 or $300,000 and then they will be made the beneficiary of the policy.

While this sounds like a big investment to make, it pays for itself. Usually the people who are willing to sell their policies will only live for a matter of months. So, the person who invests gives them the money and then when the ill person passes on the investor will receive the proceeds from the life insurance policy! This is a fast and easy way to make money as in investor and even though they have to put up money to make money, the turn around is quick and in the end they end up making $800,000! You can't argue with making this sort of money over the course of a few months.

Senior settlements are the most typical type that investors will consider. The reason for this is that they are usually much more short term and more reliable on a whole. The only thing that needs to be done is that the senior needs to submit to a medical check up, sign papers acknowledging that they know what they are doing, and then sign the investor on as the beneficiary of their policy. The whole process can be taken care of in a matter of a couple of days and this is why this is seen as a really great way to make money as an investor and also a great way to get the money that you need to get you through until the end of your life.

Caitlina Fuller is a freelance writer. People who are terminally ill can choose to sell their life insurance settlements. Selling is perhaps too broad of a term, instead they are finding people who want to invest in their life insurance policy. Senior settlements are the most typical type that investors will consider. The reason for this is that they are usually much more short term and more reliable on a whole.

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